Master The Skills Of Market Around Us Lesson Plan And Be Successful
Master the skills of Market Around Us Lesson Plan is basically for social science teachers? Market around us is an interesting chapter. Everyone love to go to the market. It’s a place of attraction for most of us. But, children have seen the market only the place where they live. A child living in a big city has not seen a village market. At the same time a child living in a village has not seen a big shopping mall. Here, lies the real challenge in front of teachers. Therefore, unless and until you have a detailed lesson plan of Market around us, you won’t be very effective in your class.
In this blog I am trying to help you out with a detailed and activity based lesson plan of Market around us. This will help you in making your class more interactive and interesting. Let’s start Market around us lesson plan.
A Detailed Class VII Social Science “Market Around Us” Lesson Plan
Class VII
Subject: Political Science
No. of periods required: 04 to 05
Name of the chapter: Market around us
General Objective:
i) To create interest in the subject.
ii) To develop Critical thinking and problem solving skills.
iii) Also to develop communication and collaborative skills among the students.
iv) To make the students aware about the basic role of Market.
v) To know about a common place where goods are exchanged or sold.
Specific Objective:
After reading the chapter the students will be able to
- understand what is market and their relation with everyday life.
- understand their function to link customers with the shopkeeper.
- gain a sense of ‘How markets work.”
Apply the gained knowledge on their real life situation.
Teaching Aid:
Black-Board, Chalk, Duster, Smart class, PPT’s., Images of different types of market.
Teacher Student Interaction On Market Around Us Lesson Plan:
The teacher uses Interactive method to check their previous knowledge.
Teacher’s question:
Where do you go to purchase things like pen, copy, clothes, shoes etc.
Students answer:
Market, shopping mall.
Teacher’s question:
Do you get varieties of things in the market?
Student’s answer:
Yes teacher.
Teacher’s question:
Do they give you the things free of cost or you pay money for that?
Students answer:
From where do the shopkeepers purchase so many things like, vegetables, T.V., Washing machine etc.
No answer.
Announcement of the Topic:
Teacher: Don’t worry, today we will read about all types of market around us.
Teaching Points (Market Around Us Lesson Plan):
- Introduction
- Weekly market
- Shops in the neighborhood
- Shopping complexes and malls
- Chain of markets.
- Whole sellers and equality in markets
A Detailed Class VII Social Science “Market Around Us” Lesson Plan

Teaching Method: Interactive, Lecture cum Discussion Method
The teacher begins the class by introducing the word market.
Then, explains the role of market.
Creates interest by explaining how things reaches to the common man?
Further, the teacher also explains the role of Intermediaries.
Lastly, the teacher explains the difference between a Retail market and Whole sale market.
To make the class more live and interactive, the teacher also plans some classroom activities.
Activity 1: Outdoor activity (Market Around Us Lesson Plan)
Go to a nearby market, a weekly market and a shopping mall.
Observe the things being sold there.
Also click pictures.
Note down your observations.
Compare all the three types of market visited by you.
Submit your observations.
Activity 2: (Market Around Us Lesson Plan)
The teacher divides the class into 3 groups.
Each group is provided with a list of items.
The list consists of following items:
Television, fruits, bangles, cosmetics, shoes, T-Shirts, Vegetables, comb, school uniform, tiffin box, Mobile phones, Electric heater, Kerosene, mobile charger, woolen sweater, utensils, Lipsticks, toys, Wallet, text books, Cycle, flowers, Furniture, perfume, hammer, chocolates, socks, Goggles, soap, shampoo, Nail cutter, Nails, note-books, Ice-cream, hand made bamboo baskets, incense sticks, watch, jewelry, Medicines, Bedsheets, photo frame, calculator, wash basin, two wheeler, jeans, paints, sweets.
Group 1 has to select the items which usually they find or purchase from daily market.
Group 2 has to select the items which usually they find or purchase from weekly market.
similarly, Group 3 has to select the items which usually they find or purchase from shopping malls.
Each group is given 15 minutes time.
After 15 minutes, the lists prepared by different groups will be displayed on the board.
Assessment Criteria:
i) Knowledge of the subject.
ii) Presentation.
Two students (one from each group) along with the teacher will judge the activity and accordingly marks will be awarded to the group.
Skills developed:
i) Critical thinking and problem solving skills.
ii) Communication and collaborative skills.
Activity 3: (Market Around Us Lesson Plan)
Debate on the topic “In the future, all shopping will be done online”.
The class is further divided into 8 groups.
Each group will have five members.
Each group will be given 15 minutes time to discuss.
One member from each group has to speak in favor or against the topic for 2 minutes.
Assessment Criteria:
i) Knowledge of the subject.
ii) Presentation.
Two students (one from each group) along with the teacher will judge the activity and accordingly marks will be awarded to the group.
Skills developed:
i) Critical thinking and problem solving skills.
ii) Communication and collaborative skills.
Class work:
Short questions framed from the chapter will be provided to the students.
The students will note down these questions in their note books.
Each student has to write their opinion as agree or disagree.
Agree or Disagree
- You will find small traders in a weekly market.
- A wholesaler usually buys many items in bulk.
- Shops in the weekly market can be temporary or permanent.
- You can find people bargaining in a weekly market.
- One may find big businessmen selling goods in a weekly market.
- Goods are produced in factories or farms and not in a weekly market or a mall.
- During festivals, local markets perform better than big malls.
- Markets around the world are the same.
- Cotton farmers have to forcefully sell their produce to the traders.
- Workers in a garment factory have to work on weekly or daily wages.
- You can use credit or debit card for purchase in a weekly market.
- In big malls the prices of goods are fixed.
- To produce cheap garments the manufacturers cut down on the wages of workers.
- Intermediaries make huge profits from shopping malls.

Home work:
The teacher asks the students to complete exercise questions given in the chapter
Interdisciplinary / multidisciplinary activities from Market Around Us:
The teacher gives enough choice.
Students have to participate in any one activity.
However, students are free to take up any one activity either individually or in a group.
Integrating with Mathematics:
Purchase any two vegetables and two fruits from a shopping mall and and the same from a local vendor.
Collect the data and compare the price.
Find out which is costly and why?
Represent it on a graph paper.
You can learn many management skills from a street vendor.
Integrating with Drawing:
Draw or paste the images of a daily market, weekly market and a shopping mall.
Mention their advantages and disadvantages.
Integrating with English / Hindi:
Describe the role of intermediaries in the market in 500 words.
Assessment criteria:
Moreover, the teacher will assess the project report under the following parameters:
Content, Presentation and Language.
A Detailed Class VII Social Science “Market Around Us” Lesson Plan
Learning Outcome:
After reading the chapter, the students will be:
- Firstly, able to differentiate between different types of market.
- Secondly, understand the importance of market around us.
- Thirdly, appraise the importance of middleman in the market.
- Fourthly, Understands what will happen if the market is closed for one day.
- Lastly, Analyze how markets act as a link between producers and the consumers.
Remedial Measures:
- Initially, the teacher prepares short questions and answers for the slow learners.
- Moreover, the teacher also plans extra class after the school hours.
- However, the teacher also uses “Pair and Share” method.
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A Detailed Class VII Social Science “Market Around Us” Lesson Plan
Market around us lesson plan caters the need of every child. It is also helpful to the new teachers. Market around us lesson plan has three interesting activities which can be easily conducted in the class. Apart from this, it is also integrated with other subjects. Now a days, as the shape of market is changing, it is very important to tell the students about online marketing or internet-marketing .
Today market is not only a place where people buy and sell a variety of goods and services.
Now a days, market is also a fun loving and recreation center.
You have Gym, beauty parlors, restaurants, games for kids, selfie zones, cinema halls (multiplex etc.
While teaching this chapter Market around us, the teacher will have to discuss all these in details.
Moreover, a teacher in a classroom know what is best for the students Class VII Social Science Term II Geography: Activity Based Lesson Plan .
Was this lesson plan on Market around us helpful to you in anyway.
Pl. do not hesitate to write to me.
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