DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE UNIQUE? According to the Bible, God created the universe in seven days and according to the Quran, Allah created the universe in six days but he took nine months in creating you. God has created every individual secretly, silently, skillfully and carefully with a purpose. He puts dreams in your eyes and writes a destiny. At times, he puts every individual into such a situation, that many people do not have the courage to face it even for a few days, months or years. You fail to understand that the creator is preparing you for the future because he has decided to give you a bigger task BECAUSE YOU ARE UNIQUE.

This is your training period. God is preparing you for great things. Those who pass through this tough training period they only become commandos in life and those who fail to understand, commit suicide. They shatter the dreams, hard-work, hope and expectations of the God. Have full faith in the almighty and surrender yourself to him. Become like a leaf floating in the river and you will find that life is beautiful. You will reach up to that position which even you have never thought of in your dreams. From there when you will look back then you will understand the beautiful programming of God.