How To Write a School Disaster Management Project For Class IX?


Written By Avinash Sharan

20th May 2024

Completing School Disaster Management Project In Just Three Days

Every year, ninth-grade students are required to complete a school disaster management Project in Social Science.
According to CBSE, the School disaster management Project has to be handwritten.
The school social science teachers will provide the topics. It can be any topic on Natural or man-made disasters.
School disaster management projects help them to get prepared for any kind of crisis.
Additionally, they can educate the public on the safety measures that should be taken in the event of a national or local disaster.
Are you trying to find a School Disaster Management Project on Tsunami? Just click on the link.

Table of Contents

Completing School Disaster Management Project In Just Three Days

Things to be kept in mind

Follow CBSE guidelines strictly.

  • Purchase A-4 size file paper (one side ruled)
  • Only use blue or black ink to write your project.
  • Design the cover page in such a way that it reflects your topic.
  • Write the Topic of the project, Name, Class, Sec, and Roll no. on the cover page in bold letters.
  • Preferably use the bottom space for your Name, Class, and sec, Roll no.
  • However, the project work should not be less than 15 pages.
  • Be ready for Viva or written assignments based on your Disaster Management School Project.
  • Utilize summer vacation time to complete your project.
  • Lastly, do not use plastic covers.


Page No 1 Cover Page

will be your cover page with topics like

 Show your creativity in designing the page.


Page No. 2: Acknowledgement

Acknowledgment: (what should be written) See an example below.


From the core of my heart, I am very thankful to everyone who all supported me, for I have completed my project effectively and moreover on time.

I am overwhelmed in all humility and grateful to acknowledge my depth to all those who helped me to put these ideas well.

Equally grateful to my (NAME OF SUBJECT TEACHER) for giving me moral support and guidance in doing this project.

It would be an injustice if I do not thank my parents who helped me a lot in collecting data, pictures, and continuous help and support.

With their guidance, encouragement, and support, I could complete my project on time.

Thanking you,

( Name of the student)

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Page No.3: INDEX

This page will be of Index as given in every textbook where the name of the chapters in the sequence is given along with page numbers. For example…….


i) Introduction:   pg 4.

ii) How the disaster takes place…………pg 5

iii) Preparedness before disaster………….pg 6

iv) Preparedness during disaster……… 7 & 8

v) Preparedness after disaster…………….pg 9 & 10.

Completing School Disaster Management Project In Just Three Days


What Is Disaster Management?

Disaster management refers to the strategic organization and implementation of resources and responsibilities to address the humanitarian aspects of emergencies, particularly preparedness, response, and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters. The objective is to effectively reduce the damage caused by natural, man-made, or technological hazards. This multifaceted field encompasses a broad spectrum of activities aimed at minimizing the adverse effects of disasters, ensuring prompt and appropriate relief, and fostering swift recovery and rehabilitation of affected communities.

Disaster management is a cyclical process divided into four key phases: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.


Mitigation involves efforts to prevent hazards from becoming disasters or to reduce the effects of unavoidable disasters.


Preparedness focuses on planning and training to handle potential emergencies effectively, ensuring that individuals and organizations know what actions to take when a disaster strikes.


The response phase entails the immediate actions taken to ensure safety, provide emergency assistance, and reduce the likelihood of secondary damage.


Recovery involves restoring the affected area to its previous state or better, focusing on rebuilding infrastructure, healthcare, and livelihoods.

An effective disaster management strategy requires a collaborative approach, engaging multiple stakeholders, including governments, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and local communities.

It emphasizes the importance of early warning systems, public education, and community resilience. Technological advancements, such as geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing, have enhanced the ability to predict, monitor, and respond to disasters more effectively.

Overall, disaster management is essential for safeguarding lives, property, and the environment, and for ensuring that societies can withstand and recover from catastrophic events with greater speed and efficiency

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Completing School Disaster Management Project In Just Three Days

Page No. 6 & 7 Types Of Disasters

For the purpose of creating efficient plans for prevention, readiness, response, and recovery, it is essential to comprehend the many kinds of disasters.

Even though they are unavoidable, early warning systems and resilient infrastructure may frequently help to lessen the effects of natural catastrophes.

To avoid and lessen the effects of man-made disasters, strict safety laws, enforcement, and public awareness are necessary.

The intricate relationship between human activity and natural processes is emphasized by hybrid catastrophes, highlighting the importance of sustainable

practices and international collaboration in tackling environmental issues.

To lessen the catastrophic consequences of disasters on ecosystems and populations, comprehensive disaster management that is suited to the unique

characteristics of each kind of catastrophe is necessary.

Disasters, characterized by their ability to cause significant disruption, damage, and loss of life, come in various forms.

They can be broadly categorized into natural, man-made, and hybrid disasters, each with distinct causes and consequences.

Understanding these types of disasters is crucial for effective disaster management and mitigation strategies.

Natural Disasters

Natural disasters are events caused by natural processes of the Earth.

They can be further subdivided into geological, meteorological, hydrological, and biological disasters.

  1. Geological Disasters:


Sudden shaking of the ground caused by the movement of tectonic plates. They can lead to significant structural damage and loss of life.

Volcanic Eruptions:

The expulsion of magma, ash, and gases from a volcano. Eruptions can devastate nearby areas through lava flows, ash fall, and pyroclastic flows.


Large sea waves generated by underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. Tsunamis can cause widespread flooding and destruction along coastlines.


The movement of rock, earth, or debris down a slope. Landslides can bury homes and infrastructure, leading to significant damage and fatalities.

2. Meteorological Disasters:

Tropical Cyclones (Hurricanes/Typhoons):

Intense circular storms originating over warm ocean waters, are characterized by high winds and heavy rainfall.

They can cause extensive damage to coastal areas.


Highly destructive vortexes of rotating winds. Tornadoes can destroy buildings, uproot trees, and cause severe injury or death.


Extended periods of deficient rainfall resulting in water shortages. Droughts can lead to crop failures, food shortages, and economic losses.


Prolonged periods of excessively high temperatures. Heatwaves can cause health issues, including heatstroke and dehydration, particularly affecting vulnerable populations.

3. Hydrological Disasters:


Overflowing of water onto normally dry land. Floods can result from heavy rainfall, river overflow, or storm surges, leading to property damage and displacement of populations.

Storm Surges:

Abnormal rise in sea level accompanying a tropical cyclone or storm, causing coastal flooding.

4. Biological Disasters:

Epidemics and Pandemics:

Widespread outbreaks of infectious diseases, such as influenza, COVID-19, and Ebola.

These can lead to significant morbidity, mortality, and strain on healthcare systems.

Insect Infestations:

Large-scale invasions of crops or habitats by insects, like locust swarms, which can devastate agriculture and livelihoods.

Man-Made Disasters

Man-made disasters result from human actions and can include:

  1. Industrial Accidents:

Chemical Spills:

Release of hazardous chemicals into the environment, potentially causing health risks and environmental damage.

Nuclear Accidents:

Release of radioactive materials, as seen in Chornobyl and Fukushima, led to long-term health and environmental consequences.


Industrial explosions can result from accidents or deliberate actions, causing widespread destruction and loss of life.

2. Transport Accidents:

Airplane Crashes:

Resulting from mechanical failure, human error, or adverse weather conditions.

Train Derailments:

Can occur due to track defects, human error, or obstacles on the track, leading to casualties and disruption.

3. Terrorism:

Bombings and Attacks:

Deliberate acts of violence aimed at causing fear, casualties, and disruption.

Examples include the September 11 attacks and various bombings worldwide.

Hybrid Disasters

Hybrid disasters are a combination of natural and man-made factors. Examples include:

1. Environmental Degradation:

Climate Change:

Human activities, such as deforestation and fossil fuel consumption, contribute to climate change, exacerbating natural disasters like storms, floods, and droughts.

Technological Failures:

Dam Failures:

Result from poor construction, maintenance, or natural factors like earthquakes, leading to flooding and loss of life.

Completing School Disaster Management Project In Just Three Days

Page No. 8: “Preparedness Before a Disaster”

Risk Assessment and Planning:

Conduct thorough risk assessments to identify potential hazards and vulnerabilities in the area.

Develop comprehensive disaster preparedness plans that include evacuation routes, emergency shelters, and communication strategies.

Emergency Kits and Supplies:

Assemble emergency kits.

It must contain essential items such as non-perishable food, water, medications, first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, and important documents.

Ensure that these kits are easily accessible and regularly updated.

Community Education and Training:

Educate and train the community on disaster preparedness through workshops, drills, and public information campaigns.

Teach individuals and families how to respond to different types of disasters and the importance of having a personal and family emergency plan.

Building and Infrastructure Reinforcement:

Strengthen buildings and infrastructure to withstand disasters.

Implement building codes and standards designed to reduce damage from natural hazards like earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes.

Ensure that critical infrastructure, such as hospitals and emergency services, is resilient.

Communication and Coordination:

Establish clear communication channels and coordination mechanisms among local authorities, emergency services, and community organizations.

Use technology and social media to disseminate timely information before, during, and after a disaster.

Ensure that there are systems in place for communicating with vulnerable populations and those with special needs.

Completing School Disaster Management Project In Just Three Days

Page No 9: “Preparedness During the Disaster”

Stay Informed and Follow Official Instructions:

Continuously monitor reliable sources of information, such as emergency broadcasts, weather updates, and alerts from local authorities.

Follow any official instructions or evacuation orders promptly to ensure safety.

Use Emergency Kits and Supplies:

Utilize the emergency kits and supplies that were prepared beforehand.

Ensure access to food, water, medications, and other essential items. Regularly check and maintain the condition of these supplies.

Shelter and Safety Measures:

Seek appropriate shelter based on the type of disaster.

For example, during a tornado, move to a basement or interior room away from windows; during a flood, move to higher ground.

Practice safety measures like staying indoors during severe weather and avoiding hazardous areas.

Communication and Check-Ins:

Maintain communication with family members, neighbors, and emergency contacts.

Use established communication plans to check in and confirm safety.

Utilize mobile phones, radios, or any available communication tools to stay connected.

Assist and Support Others:

Offer assistance to those in need, particularly vulnerable individuals such as the elderly, children, and people with disabilities.

Coordinate with community members and emergency services to provide support and resources.

Ensure that everyone understands the safety protocols and has access to necessary help

Completing School Disaster Management Project In Just Three Days

Page No 10 & 11 Preparedness After a Disaster

Assessment and Documentation:

Conduct a thorough assessment of the damage to property and infrastructure.

Document all damages with photographs and detailed notes to support insurance claims and aid requests.

Report any hazards, such as downed power lines or gas leaks, to local authorities immediately.

Health and Safety Precautions:

Prioritize health and safety by avoiding disaster-stricken areas until they are declared safe.

Use protective gear when cleaning up debris to prevent injuries.

Be aware of potential health risks, such as contaminated water, and take necessary precautions to ensure safe drinking water and food.

Mental Health Support:

Address the emotional and psychological impact of the disaster by seeking mental health support for yourself and others.

Access counseling services, community support groups, and other resources to help cope with trauma and stress.

Encourage open communication about feelings and experiences.

Restoration of Utilities and Services:

Work with utility companies and local services to restore essential utilities like electricity, water, and gas. Ensure that any repairs are conducted by qualified professionals to prevent further damage or hazards. Keep informed about the status of services through official channels.

Review and Improve Preparedness Plans:

Evaluate the effectiveness of the pre-disaster preparedness plan and identify areas for improvement.

Gather feedback from community members and emergency responders on what worked well and what did not.

Update and strengthen disaster preparedness plans to enhance resilience for future events, incorporating lessons learned

Note: Contribution of people who are involved in combating this disaster. On this page, you can mention the role of Doctors, Nurses, Police, people involved in maintaining cleanliness, etc. in detail along with images, drawings, pictures, newspaper cuttings, etc on the left side of your page.

Completing School Disaster Management Project In Just Three Days

Page No. 12 Role Of Government In Disaster Management

Policy Formulation and Regulation:

Governments are responsible for creating and enforcing policies and regulations related to disaster management.

This includes developing national disaster response frameworks, building codes, land-use planning regulations, and safety standards to mitigate risks and

enhance resilience.

Coordination and Resource Allocation:

Governments play a central role in coordinating disaster response efforts across various agencies and levels of government.

They allocate resources, such as funding, personnel, and equipment, to ensure an effective and timely response.

This coordination extends to collaboration with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international bodies, and the private sector.

Public Education and Awareness:

Governments engage in educating the public about disaster preparedness and risk reduction.

Through campaigns, training programs, and drills, they inform citizens about how to prepare for and respond to different types of disasters.

Public awareness initiatives aim to build a culture of preparedness and resilience.

Emergency Response and Recovery Operations:

During and after a disaster, governments are responsible for leading emergency response and recovery operations.

This includes deploying emergency services, providing medical care, facilitating evacuations, and ensuring the distribution of essential supplies.

Governments also oversee long-term recovery efforts, including rebuilding infrastructure and providing financial assistance to affected individuals and


Research and Development:

Governments invest in research and development to improve disaster management practices.

This involves funding scientific research on natural hazards.

Supporting the development of early warning systems, and leveraging technology for better disaster prediction, monitoring, and response.

Continuous innovation helps in anticipating future challenges and enhancing overall disaster resilience.

Completing School Disaster Management Project In Just Three Days


DO’S in Disaster Management

Prepare an Emergency Kit:

Keep essential supplies like water, non-perishable food, a first-aid kit, a flashlight, batteries, medications, important documents, and cash in a portable, easy-to-access kit.

Develop a Family Emergency Plan:

Establish a communication plan, designate meeting spots, and ensure all family members know the plan and practice it regularly.

Stay Informed:

Keep updated with reliable sources of information, such as government agencies and weather forecasts, for alerts and instructions during a disaster.

Follow Evacuation Orders:

If authorities issue an evacuation order, leave immediately. Ensure you have a pre-planned route and destination, and know alternative routes in case primary ones are blocked.

Support Community Preparedness:

Participate in community drills and training programs, and volunteer with local disaster response organizations to help build community resilience.

DON’TS in Disaster Management


Panicking can lead to poor decision-making and increase the risk of injury. Stay calm and follow your emergency plan.

Ignore Warnings:

Do not disregard warnings or instructions from authorities. Ignoring evacuation orders or safety advisories can put you and others at greater risk.

Spread Misinformation:

Avoid sharing unverified information or rumors, especially on social media, as it can cause confusion and panic.

Always check facts from reliable sources before disseminating information.

Rely Solely on One Form of Communication:

Do not depend only on one mode of communication, such as cell phones, which might fail during a disaster.

Have backup communication methods like a battery-powered radio or a satellite phone.

Return Home Prematurely:

Do not return to your home or disaster-affected area until authorities declare it safe.

Returning too soon can expose you to hazards such as structural damage, contaminated water, or ongoing secondary disasters.

Page No. 14: Bibliography

A bibliography usually contains the websites you visited, the newspaper’s name from where you have collected the data or pictures, etc.

Whichever book, magazine, shop, or website you have visited, you must mention about that. For example



Page No. 15:

Keep the last page of your project for the teacher’s remarks and grade/marks.

Lastly, go for spiral bound cover and submit your project.

Completing School Disaster Management Project In Just Three Days


The School Disaster Management Project stands as a beacon of preparedness and resilience in the face of potential crises. This project will help us to successfully lay the groundwork for a safer and more secure learning environment.

By equipping us with the knowledge and skills to act swiftly and decisively in times of crisis, the project has significantly enhanced our ability to mitigate risks and protect lives.

Moreover, the school disaster management project lay emphasis on community engagement. It has fostered a sense of shared responsibility and solidarity. Local stakeholders, including parents, volunteers, and emergency services, have played a vital role in supporting the school’s preparedness efforts and ensuring a coordinated response when emergencies occur.

Looking ahead, the School Disaster Management Project serves as a model for other institutions seeking to bolster their resilience and safeguard the well-being of their communities. By prioritizing proactive planning, continuous training, and collaborative partnerships, schools can effectively navigate challenges and emerge stronger in the face of adversity



Follow the Guidelines of CBSE  strictly on Disaster Management Projects.

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