Geography Sample Questions 2023 – 2024 for Class 10 Board
Welcome to the Selected Geography Sample Questions 2023-24, your comprehensive guide to excelling in the upcoming CBSE Board Exams. This curated collection of sample questions is designed to hone your geographical knowledge and enhance your exam preparedness. As you embark on your academic journey, these Geography Sample Questions 202-24 serve as invaluable tools, offering a diverse range of topics that align with the CBSE curriculum for the current academic year.
Covering essential concepts from this resource is crafted to provide a holistic understanding of geographical principles. Moreover, each question is meticulously chosen to mirror the exam pattern, ensuring that you not only grasp the fundamental concepts but also develop effective exam-taking strategies. Whether you are aiming for a thorough revision or looking to assess your proficiency, the Geography Sample Questions 2023-24 is your go-to companion. Embrace this opportunity to bolster your confidence, refine your knowledge, and approach the CBSE Board Exams with a well-prepared mindset. Best of luck on your academic endeavors!
Question 1.
Sheetal is making a list of natural resources for a project. She puts wind energy under one column and coal under another column. On what basis is she classifying the resources? 1
A. on the basis of origin
B. on the basis of ownership
C. on the basis of exhaustibility
D. on the basis of status of development
Question 2.
In Bhakra- Nangal project water is being used for 1.
i. Hydel power production
ii. Irrigation
iii. Transportation
iv. Cleaning
A. i and iv
B. i and ii
C. Only iii
D. Only ii
Question 3.
Ankur, a resident from Rajasthan, decided to install a submersible water pump in his house, capable of extracting groundwater from depths of 250-300 m. This practice of installing similar pumps is becoming increasingly popular across the state. Which of the following will this growing practice MOST LIKELY lead to in the near future? 1
A. decline in the groundwater quality
B. reduced monsoon water resources
C. increased number of waterborne diseases
D. water scarcity resulting from excessive utilization
Question 4.
‘India’s green energy goals have a serious problem – the Great Indian Bustard’ A Wildlife Institute of India (WII) survey covering 80 km of power lines across the Thar desert found 4 bustard (critically endangered species) deaths during a single year due to high-transmission wires, including some connected to wind turbines.
Should the installation of such power lines be reconsidered in areas where such species are found? 1.
A. Yes, alternative methods of power generation should be explored to minimize this risk.
B. Yes, the goal of protecting biodiversity is the only goal which should be prioritised.
C. No, the benefits of power lines outweigh the negative impact on the species.
D. No, the species is not yet extinct and currently no action needs to be taken.
Question 5.
What is common between primitive subsistence farming and intensive subsistence farming? 1.
A. Both require the use of modern machinery.
B. Both are done on large tracts of land.
C. Both require large amounts of credit.
D. Both are labor-intensive.
Question 6.
What Jawaharlal Nehru thought of as temples of the independent India, i.e. the dams, have already displaced 11 million Indians. What is this an example of? 1.
A. conflicting developmental goals
B. development of public facilities
C. sustainable development
D. human development
Question 7.
Observe the map given below showing the distribution of thermal and nuclear power plants across India. Air Quality Index (AQI) is used to measure real-time air pollution levels. A high AQI represents poor air quality.

Accordingly, which of the following regions marked on the map is LIKELY to experience comparatively better AQI?
A. P
B. Q
C. R
D. S
Question 8.
Which of the following relief features of India possess/possesses the highest reserves of minerals and fossil fuels? 1.
A. coastal plain
B. Gangetic plain
C. Shivalik mountains
D. Chotanagpur plateau
Question 9.
Match the following:
a. | Reserved Forests | I. | North Eastern States |
b. | Protected Forests | II. | Andhra Pradesh |
c. | Unclassed Forests | III. | Haryana |
A. a (i), B (ii), C (iii)
B. a ( iii), b (ii), c (i)
C. a ( i), b (iii), c (ii)
D. a ( ii), b (iii), c (i)
Question 10.
Identify the main aim of the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit 1992
A. Protection of Environment and socio-economic development
B. Protection of Environment and cultural development
C. Protection of water and socio-economic development
D. Protection of Earth and sustainable development
Question 11.
There are two statements given below, marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option. 1.
Assertion (A): Resource planning is a complex process.
Reason (R): Resource planning helps in effective and judicious use of resources.
A. A is true but R is false
B. A is false but R is true.
C. Both A and R are true and R explains A.
D. Both A and R are true but R does not explain A.
Question 12.
Assertion (A): Suresh uses tools such as hoe, dao and digging sticks for farming.
Reason (R): This type of farming is practiced in areas of high population pressure on land.
A. A is true but R is false
B. A is false but R is true.
C. Both A and R are true and R explains A.
D. Both A and R are true but R does not explain A.
Question 13.
Assertion (A): Urad, moong and masur are coarse grains with very high nutritional value.
Reason (R): These crops are used both as food and fodder.
A. A is true but R is false
B. A is false but R is true.
C. Both A and R are false.
D. Both A and R are true but R does not explain A
Question 14.
Assertion (A): Anthracite and Lignite are among the finest qualities of Iron ore.
Reason (R): It has excellent magnetic qualities, especially valuable in the electrical industry.
A. A is true but R is false
B. A is false but R is true.
C. Both A and R are false.
D. Both A and R are true but R does not explain A
Question 15.
Read the passage given below and answer the question that follows.
Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh are rich in mineral deposits. Arunachal Pradesh has abundant water resources but lacks infrastructural development. Rajasthan is endowed with solar and wind energy but lacks water resources. The cold desert of Ladakh has a rich cultural heritage but it is deficient in water and infrastructure. Which of the following BEST describes the passage? 1.
A. All regions in India are economically self-sufficient to utilize resources.
B. Only Rajasthan has the scope to utilize renewable resources.
C. India has enormous diversity in the availability of resources.
D. Resource diversity is prevalent only in north India.
Question 16.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. 4
Today, Indian agriculture finds itself at a crossroads. To make agriculture successful and profitable, proper thrust should be given to the improvement of the condition of marginal and small farmers. The green revolution promised much. But today it’s under controversy. The keyword today is “gene revolution”, which includes genetic engineering. Organic farming is [also] much in vogue today because it is practiced without factory-made chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides.
A few economists think that Indian farmers have a bleak future if they continue growing food grains on the holdings that grow smaller and smaller as the population rises. Indian farmers should diversify their cropping pattern from cereals to high-value crops. This will increase incomes and reduce environmental degradation simultaneously. Because fruits, medicinal herbs, flowers, vegetables, and bio-diesel crops like jatropha and jojoba need much less irrigation than rice or sugarcane. India’s diverse climate can be harnessed to grow a wide range of high-value crops.
Answer the following questions:
14.1 Give two reasons why the Green Revolution is under controversy.
14.2‘. Land holdings that grow smaller and smaller as the population rises.’ Evaluate why this is a concern.
14.3 Bio-diesel crops like jatropha and jojoba have been referred to as high-value crops. Why?
Question 17.
Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow: 4.
Given the abundance and renewability of water, it is difficult to imagine that we may suffer from water scarcity. The moment we speak of water shortages; we immediately associate it with regions having low rainfall or those that are drought prone. We instantaneously visualize the deserts of Rajasthan and women balancing many ‘matkas’ (earthen pots) used for collecting and storing water and travelling long distances to get water. True, the availability of water resources varies over space and time, mainly due to the variations in seasonal and annual precipitation, but water scarcity in most cases is caused by over- exploitation, excessive use and unequal access to water among different social groups.
15.1 How do women collect water in Rajasthan?
15.2 Why is water scarcity in most areas caused?
15.3 Do you think rainwater harvesting can help? Give reasons to justify your answer.
Question 18.
Observe the flow chart given below.

Image Courtesy: CBSE GUIDANCE
What will come in the empty box?
A. gram
B. maize
C. millets
D. pulses
Question 19.
Look at this picture of Manish, who practices organic farming from his rooftop.

What is MOST LIKELY to be true about Manish? 1.
A. He does not have enough money to buy crops from the market.
B. He is practicing a type of farming that is environmentally-friendly.
C. He is only growing kharif crops on his rooftop.
D. He is a farmer by profession.
Question 20.
Runda was an Indian farmer during the 1950s. Which of the following institutional reforms would he have witnessed in the 1950s? 1.
A. package technology being used in agriculture
B. Kissan Credit Card (KCC) being launched
C. establishment of the Grameen banks
D. abolition of the zamindari system
Question 21.
Kulwant uses high yielding variety (HYV) seeds and chemical fertilizers to increase his wheat production. Which type of farming is Kulwant practicing? 1.
A. intensive subsistence farming
B. primitive subsistence farming
C. commercial farming
D. organic farming
Question 22.
According to some economists, which of these is a quick fix for farmers to increase their incomes and reduce environmental degradation? 1.
A. diversifying their cropping pattern away from cereals
B. joining alternative employment opportunities in the agriculture sector
C. using high yielding variety (HYV) seeds for obtaining higher productivity
D. seeking more subsidies on fertilizers and decrease the cost of production
Question 23.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are an example of over-utilization of resources? 1.
P: The degradation of quality of land, air and local water sources.
Q: The tigers being classified as a critically endangered species.
A. only P
B. only Q
C. both P and Q
D. neither P nor Q
Question 24.
The resources found in the Indian peninsula and various parts of Asia can be classified as biotic and abiotic on the basis of ______. 1
A. origin
B. ownership
C. exhaustibility
D. the status of development
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 25.
‘A drought-induced water shortage can have far-reaching consequences, affecting agricultural productivity, the availability of food resources, industrial activities, and livelihoods, thereby significantly impacting human well-being.’ 2.
i) What does the above statement represent about the relationship between different resources? (1)
ii) How does such a situation represent lack of resource planning? (1)
Question 26.
Mr. Singh cultivates rice in Punjab. How does he ensure higher productivity of the crop? 2
Question 27.
Assess the reasons for the concentration of the woollen textile industries in the sub-tropical region in India vs their absence in the southern part of India. 2.
Question 28.
Raghav works in coal mines where he has to inhale dust everyday. Mention any two precautionary measures he should take? 2.
Question 29.
What are the two prime factors for the location of Aluminum industry? 2.
Question 30.
Apart from air and water pollution, what other types of pollution are created by the industries? Mention any two ways to control environmental pollution. 2
Question 31.
On an outline map of India, locate and label any THREE of the following with suitable symbols.
I. Rana Pratap Sagar
II. Singrauli Thermal Plant
III. Gandhinagar Software Technology Park
IV. Paradip Port
Question 32.
On the same outline map of India locate and label any 3 of the following with suitable symbols.
I. A software Technology Park in Maharashtra.
II. A coal mine in Jharkhand.
III. A seaport located in West Bengal
IV. The tallest dam in India
Question 33.
On the same map of India, locate and label any three of the following with suitable symbols.
I. a dam built on the river Sutlej
ii) a software technology park in Northern India
iii) southernmost port on the east coast of India
iv) a nuclear power plant in the state of Maharashtra
Geography Sample Questions 2023 – 2024 for Class 10 Board
The Geography Sample Questions 2023 – 24 for class 10 Board exams provide a comprehensive and insightful overview of the subject matter. These questions will not only assess students’ understanding of geographical concepts but will also encourage critical thinking and analytical skills. The variety of topics covered, ensures a well-rounded evaluation of students’ knowledge. As you prepare for board exams, these sample questions will serve as valuable tools for self-assessment and revision. The inclusion of current and relevant case studies enhances the applicability of geographical principles to real-world situations. Moreover, these Geography Sample Questions 2023 – 24 is align with the curriculum.
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