NCERT Class IX History Chapter 2 Worksheet With MCQ’s, Short And Long Questions – Solved


Written By Avinash Sharan

16th April 2023

Class IX History Chapter 2 Worksheet Solved

Class IX History Chapter 2 Worksheet on “Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution” can be a valuable tool for students to deepen their understanding of the topic and develop important skill.  NCERT Class IX History Chapter 2 Worksheet will help in understanding the concepts discussed in the chapter, such as socialism, capitalism, and communism, and how they relate to the Russian Revolution. This Class IX History Chapter 2 Worksheet will also encourage students to think critically about the events and ideas presented in the chapter. The worksheet can be completed independently by students, allowing them to take ownership of their own learning and work at their own pace. Let’s get started. For Lesson Plan of Class IX History Chapter 1 , click on the link.

Class IX History Chapter 2 Worksheet Solved

MCQ’S From Class IX History Chapter 2 – Part A

  1. Who was the leader of the Bolshevik Party in Russia?

A) Vladimir Lenin

B) Joseph Stalin

C) Leon Trotsky

D) Mikhail Gorbachev

Answer: A) Vladimir Lenin

2. Which of the following countries was not affected by the Russian Revolution?

A) Germany

B) China

C) France

D) Finland

Answer: C) France

3. Which of the following statements about socialism is true?

A) Socialism is a system where the means of production are owned by private individuals.

B) Socialism is a system where the means of production are owned by the government.

C) Socialism is a system where the means of production are owned by workers’ cooperatives.

D) Socialism is a system where the means of production are owned by foreign investors.

Answer: B) Socialism is a system where the means of production are owned by the government.

4. What was the name of the party that led the Russian Revolution in 1917?

A) Bolshevik Party

B) Menshevik Party

C) Socialist Revolutionary Party

D) Communist Party

Answer: A) Bolshevik Party

5. Which of the following was a major cause of the February Revolution in Russia?

A) The Bolsheviks seized power in Petrograd.

B) The Russian army suffered a series of defeats in World War I.

C) The Russian government increased taxes on the poor.

D) The Russian people demanded the return of the monarchy.

Answer: B) The Russian army suffered a series of defeats in World War I.

MCQ’S From Class IX History Chapter 2 – Part B

6. Which of the following was a major cause of the October Revolution in Russia?

A) The Bolsheviks seized power in Petrograd.

B) The Russian army suffered a series of defeats in World War I.

C) The Russian government increased taxes on the poor.

D) The Russian people demanded the return of the monarchy.

Answer: A) The Bolsheviks seized power in Petrograd.

7. Who was the last Tsar of Russia?

A) Nicholas II

B) Vladimir Lenin

C) Joseph Stalin

D) Leon Trotsky

Answer: A) Nicholas II

8. What was the name of the organization that led the struggle for Indian independence from British rule?

A) Indian National Congress

B) Muslim League

C) Communist Party of India

D) All India Forward Bloc

Answer: A) Indian National Congress

9. Who was the leader of the Indian National Congress during the struggle for Indian independence?

A) Mahatma Gandhi

B) Jawaharlal Nehru

C) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

D) Subhas Chandra Bose

Answer: A) Mahatma Gandhi

10. Who was the leader of the Communist Party of China during the Chinese Revolution?

A) Mao Zedong

B) Deng Xiaoping

C) Chiang Kai-shek

D) Sun Yat-sen

Answer: A) Mao Zedong

MCQ’S From Class IX History Chapter 2 – Part C

11. What was the main goal of the Bolshevik Party in Russia?

A) To establish a capitalist economy

B) To establish a socialist economy

C) To establish a communist economy

D) To establish a democratic economy

Answer: C) To establish a communist economy

12. Which of the following statements about the Russian Revolution is true?

A) The Russian Revolution was a peaceful transition of power from the Tsar to the Bolshevik Party.

B) The Russian Revolution was a violent overthrow of the Tsar by the Bolshevik Party.

C) The Russian Revolution was a result of a popular uprising against the Bolshevik Party.

D) The Russian Revolution was a result of foreign intervention in Russian politics.

Answer: B) The Russian Revolution was a violent overthrow of the Tsar by the Bolshevik Party

13. Who among the following believed in socialism?

a) Winston Churchill

b) Vladimir Lenin

c) Mahatma Gandhi

d) Adolf Hitler

Answer: b) Vladimir Lenin

14. The main aim of socialism is:

a) Equal distribution of wealth and resources

b) Concentration of wealth and resources in the hands of a few

c) Privatization of all industries and services

d) Promotion of monarchy as a form of government

Answer: a) Equal distribution of wealth and resources

15. The idea of socialism was born in:

a) Russia

b) England

c) France

d) Germany

Answer: b) England

MCQ’S From Class IX History Chapter 2 – Part D

16. Socialism was first used as a term in:

a) 18th century

b) 19th century

c) 20th century

d) 21st century

Answer: b) 19th century

17. The Communist Manifesto was written by:

a) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

b) Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin

c) Leon Trotsky and Rosa Luxemburg

d) Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping

Answer: a) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

18. The slogan ‘Workers of the world, unite!’ was given by:

a) Vladimir Lenin

b) Joseph Stalin

c) Leon Trotsky

d) Karl Marx

Answer: d) Karl Marx

19. The first socialist government was established in:

a) Russia

b) France

c) England

d) Germany

Answer: a) Russia

20. The term ‘Bolshevik’ means:

a) Majority

b) Minority

c) Middle class

d) Working class

Answer: a) Majority

MCQ’S From Class IX History Chapter 2 – Part E

21. Who among the following was the leader of the Bolshevik Party?

  1. a) Joseph Stalin
  2. b) Leon Trotsky
  3. c) Vladimir Lenin
  4. d) Nikita Khrushchev

Answer: c) Vladimir Lenin

22. The Bolsheviks seized power in:

a) 1917

b) 1918

c) 1919

d) 1920

Answer: a) 1917

23. The Russian Revolution began in:

a) 1914

b) 1915

c) 1916

d) 1917

Answer: d) 1917

24. The provisional government was established in Russia after:

a) The February Revolution

b) The October Revolution

c) The July Revolution

d) The December Revolution

Answer: a) The February Revolution

25. The Red Army was led by:

a) Joseph Stalin

b) Leon Trotsky

c) Vladimir Lenin

d) Nikita Khrushchev

Answer: b) Leon Trotsky

MCQ’S From Class IX History Chapter 2 – Part F

26. The Soviet Union was formed in:

a) 1917

b) 1918

c) 1919

d) 1922

Answer: d) 1922

27. The NEP was introduced by:

a) Vladimir Lenin

b) Joseph Stalin

c) Leon Trotsky

d) Nikita Khrushchev

Answer: a) Vladimir Lenin

28. The term ‘collectivization’ refers to:

a) The process of merging small farms into large farms

b) The process of dividing large farms into small farms

c) The process of nationalizing all industries

d) The process of privatizing all industries

Answer: a) The process of merging small farms into large farms

Class IX History Chapter 2 Worksheet Solved

10 one-mark questions with answers from NCERT Class IX Chapter 2 “Socialism in Europe

and the Russian Revolution”

Q1. Who wrote the Communist Manifesto?

Answer: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Q2. Which country established the first socialist government?

Answer: Russia

Q3. What was the main aim of socialism?

Answer: Equal distribution of wealth and resources

Q4. What was the main slogan of the Bolsheviks?

Answer: Workers of the world, unite!

Q5. Who led the Red Army during the Russian Revolution?

Answer: Leon Trotsky

Q7. When did the Bolsheviks seize power in Russia?

Answer: 1917

Q8. What was the name of the economic policy introduced by Lenin in 1921?

Answer: New Economic Policy (NEP)

Q9. What does the term “collectivization” refer to?

Answer: The process of merging small farms into large farms

Q10. When was the Soviet Union formed?

Answer: 1922

Q11. What does the term “Bolshevik” mean?

Answer: Majority

Class IX History Chapter 2 Worksheet Solved

Three-mark questions with answers from NCERT Class IX Chapter 2 “Socialism in Europe

and the Russian Revolution”:

Q1. What were the main factors that led to the Russian Revolution?


There were several factors that led to the Russian Revolution. The most important ones were:

  • Widespread poverty and inequality
  • The failure of the Tsarist government to address the concerns of the people
  • The impact of World War I on the economy and society
  • The influence of socialist and revolutionary ideas among the masses

Q2. What were the main features of the Bolshevik government that came to power in Russia in 1917?


The main features of the Bolshevik government that came to power in Russia in 1917 were:

  • It was a socialist government that aimed to create a classless society based on the principles of communism.
  • It nationalized all land and industries and abolished private property.
  • It introduced policies to improve the lives of workers and peasants, such as the eight-hour workday and land reforms.
  • It established a new political system based on the principles of Soviet democracy, where workers and peasants had a say in the decision-making process.
  • It established the Red Army to defend the revolution against counter-revolutionary forces.

Q3. What was the New Economic Policy (NEP) introduced by Lenin in 1921? How did it impact the Soviet



The New Economic Policy (NEP) was a policy introduced by Lenin in 1921 to address the economic problems faced by the Soviet Union.

It allowed some private enterprise and restored market forces to some extent.

The NEP allowed peasants to sell their surplus produce in the market and small businesses to operate under private ownership.

It also allowed foreign investment in the Soviet Union.

The impact of the NEP was significant, as it led to a recovery in the Soviet economy.

Agricultural and industrial production increased, and the standard of living of the people improved.

Q4. What was the role of the Soviet Union in the international communist movement?


The Soviet Union played a significant role in the international communist movement.

It provided financial and ideological support to communist parties in other countries and assisted revolutionary movements around the world.

The Soviet Union also established a Comin tern (Communist International) to coordinate the activities of communist parties in different countries.

The Soviet Union’s influence on the international communist movement declined after the death of Stalin and the emergence of China as a major

communist power.

Q5. How did the Russian Revolution impact the world?


The Russian Revolution had a significant impact on the world.

It inspired people all over the world to fight for their rights and to demand social and political change.

It led to the establishment of the first socialist government in the world and the emergence of the Soviet Union as a superpower.

The Russian Revolution also contributed to the end of World War I and the emergence of new nation-states in Europe.

The Russian Revolution had a profound impact on the course of the 20th century, shaping the politics and societies of many countries

Class IX History Chapter 2 Worksheet Solved

five-mark questions with answers in points from NCERT Class IX Chapter 2 “Socialism in

Europe and the Russian Revolution”:

Q1. Describe the main features of the socialist economy that was established in the Soviet Union after the

Russian Revolution.


  • The socialist economy of the Soviet Union aimed to create a classless society and eliminate private ownership of the means of production.
  • The government nationalized all land, industries, and banks, and abolished private property.
  • The means of production were controlled by the state, and workers were employed by the state.
  • The economy was planned and controlled by the state through a system of central planning.
  • The government distributed resources and goods based on the needs of the people, rather than on the profit motive.
  • The Soviet Union focused on heavy industries, such as steel and coal production, and invested heavily in science and technology.

Q2. Discuss the impact of the Russian Revolution on the world socialist movement.


  • The Russian Revolution had a profound impact on the world socialist movement, inspiring people around the world to fight for their rights and to demand social and political change.
  • The establishment of the first socialist government in the world in Russia, and the emergence of the Soviet Union as a superpower, provided hope and inspiration for socialists and communists around the world.
  • The Soviet Union provided financial and ideological support to communist parties in other countries and assisted revolutionary movements around the world.
  • The Soviet Union established the Comin tern (Communist International) to coordinate the activities of communist parties in different countries.
  • The Soviet Union’s influence on the international communist movement declined after the death of Stalin and the emergence of China as a major communist power.

Q3. Explain the causes of the February Revolution in Russia.


  • Widespread poverty and inequality, which was exacerbated by the impact of World War I on the Russian economy and society.
  • The failure of the Tsarist government to address the concerns of the people and to provide basic necessities such as food and fuel.
  • The influence of socialist and revolutionary ideas among the masses, which were disseminated by political groups and the media.
  • The participation of soldiers and workers in the war effort, which exposed them to new ideas and experiences, and made them more aware of their rights and needs.
  • The spontaneous and unorganized nature of the protest movement, which spread quickly across the country.

Q4. Discuss the role of Lenin in the Russian Revolution.


  • Lenin was a key figure in the Russian Revolution, and one of the main leaders of the Bolshevik Party.
  • Lenin developed and popularised Marxist ideas in Russia, and was a staunch advocate of socialist revolution.
  • Lenin played a key role in organising and leading the Bolsheviks, and was instrumental in the success of the October Revolution in 1917.
  • After coming to power, Lenin introduced a series of policies aimed at improving the lives of workers and peasants, and at creating a socialist economy in Russia.
  • Lenin’s leadership and vision were critical in the early years of the Soviet Union, and he is considered one of the most important figures in the history of communism.

Q5. Evaluate the impact of the Russian Revolution on the Russian society.


  • The Russian Revolution had a profound impact on Russian society, and led to significant social and political changes.
  • The establishment of the socialist government in Russia, and the nationalization of land and industries, led to the elimination of the feudal system and the establishment of a classless society.
  • The government introduced policies aimed at improving the lives of workers and peasants, such as land reforms and the eight-hour workday.
  • The revolution also led to the establishment of a new political system, based on the principles of Soviet democracy, where workers and peasants had a say in the decision-making process.

Class IX History Chapter 2 Worksheet Solved


In conclusion, Class IX History Chapter 2 Worksheet on “Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution” is a valuable resource for students to enhance their understanding of the topic. By engaging with the concepts and events presented in the chapter, students can develop critical thinking and analytical skills, which are essential for their academic and personal growth. This Class IX History Chapter 2 Worksheet also provides an opportunity for students to practice what they have learned and can increase their retention of the material. Moreover, completing the worksheet independently can help students take ownership of their learning and work at their own pace. The worksheet helps students explore these topics in greater depth and promotes a deeper understanding of the historical events that shaped the world.

Further, by completing the Class IX History Chapter 2 Worksheet, students can gain a deeper appreciation for the historical context and relevance of the topic.

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