CBSE Class IX Economics Chapter 2 People As Resource Lesson Plan


Written By Avinash Sharan

25th June 2023

People as a Resource Lesson Plan – Unleashing Human Potential

Welcome to the “People as a Resource” lesson plan! In this comprehensive and engaging lesson plan, we will explore the fascinating concept of people as a valuable resource in the field of economics. Our aim is to help students understand the crucial role individuals play in driving economic growth and development.

This People as a Resource lesson plan is designed for students in Class IX, providing a solid foundation for their understanding of human capital, its importance, and its impact on the economy. Through interactive discussions, activities, and real-world examples, students will gain insight into how investing in people’s skills, knowledge, and well-being can lead to thriving societies.

Throughout the lessons, we will delve into various aspects of human resources, including education, employability, gender equality, migration, and health. By examining these key topics, students will discover how individuals contribute to economic productivity, innovation, and sustainable development. So let’s begin “People as a Resource” lesson plan.

People as a Resource Lesson Plan – Unleashing Human Potential

Lesson Plan: People as a Resource

Grade Level: High School (9th-10th grade)

Subject: Social Studies/Economics

Duration: 60 minutes


  • The students will understand the concept of “people as a resource” in the context of economics and development.
  • They will explore the various ways in which people contribute to economic growth and development.
  • Will analyze the importance of investing in human capital and its impact on individual and national well-being.
  • Students will critically evaluate the factors that influence human resource development and the challenges associated with it.

Teaching Materials:

  1. Whiteboard or chalkboard
  2. Markers or chalk
  3. Handout: Case studies on human capital development (prepared in advance)
  4. Projector (optional)
  5. Internet access (optional, for research purposes)

Teaching Methodology:

Interactive Discussions: Day 1

The teacher greet the students and introduce the topic of the lesson:

“Today, we will be discussing the concept of ‘people as a resource’ in the context of economics.

In this chapter we will explore

  • how individuals contribute to economic growth,
  • the importance of investing in human capital, and
  • the challenges associated with human resource development.

The teacher engage students in open-ended discussions about the concept of resources.

Also guide them towards understanding that people can also be considered as a valuable resource.

Encourage students to share their thoughts, ideas, and examples related to the topic.

Case Studies: Day 2

On the second day, the teacher provide students with real-life case studies that highlight the contributions of individuals to economic growth.

Teacher assign small groups to analyze the case studies and present their findings to the class.

This approach will promote critical thinking and encourage students to apply the concept to real-world situations.

Definition and Discussion (10 minutes):

a. Write the term “people as a resource” on the board.

b. Engage the students in a brief discussion:

    • Ask the students what comes to mind when they hear the term “resources.”
    • Guide the discussion towards understanding that resources are assets that are valuable and can be used to meet human needs.
    • Explain that just like natural resources such as minerals and forests, people can also be seen as valuable resources in the context of economics.
Exploring Contributions (15 minutes):

a. Divide the students into small groups.

b. Provide each group with a case study on human capital development.

c. Instruct the groups to read and analyze the case study to identify the contributions made by individuals to economic growth and development.

d. After the allotted time, ask each group to present their findings to the class.

e. Facilitate a class discussion by asking follow-up questions such as:

    • What were the key contributions highlighted in the case studies?
    • How did these contributions impact economic growth?
    • Can you think of any other examples of how people contribute to economic development?

Visual Aids and Multimedia: Day 3

Utilize visual aids such as charts, graphs, and infographics to illustrate the concept of human capital and its impact on economic development.

You can also incorporate multimedia resources such as videos or interactive online platforms to provide additional context and engagement.

Importance of Investing in Human Capital (15 minutes):

a. Explain the concept of human capital as the knowledge, skills, and abilities possessed by individuals that contribute to their productivity and potential for

economic growth.

b. Discuss the importance of investing in human capital for individuals and nations.

c. Present examples of how investing in education, healthcare, and vocational training can enhance human capital.

d. Encourage students to share their thoughts on how investing in human capital can lead to improved living standards, increased productivity, and

reduced poverty.

Factors and Challenges (15 minutes):

a. Present a list of factors that influence human resource development, such as education, healthcare, social and cultural factors, and government


b. Discuss the challenges associated with human resource development, including inequality in access to education and healthcare, brain drain, and skill


c. Facilitate a class discussion on how these factors and challenges impact the development of human resources.

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Group Activities and Projects: Day 4

Divide students into small groups and assign them tasks or projects that require them to explore different aspects of human capital.

For example, they can research and present on the importance of education, healthcare, or vocational training in human resource development.

Group activities foster collaboration, communication, and deeper understanding of the topic.

Guest Speakers and Interviews: Day 5

Invite guest speakers.

They will share their experiences and insights related to human resource development.

They can be professionals from different industries or representatives from organizations focused on education or skill development.

Conducting interviews with individuals who have made significant contributions to economic growth can also provide valuable perspectives.

Field Trips and Experiential Learning: Day 6

Organize field trips to relevant institutions or workplaces that focus on human resource development.

This provides students with firsthand experiences and practical exposure to the topic.

They can observe and interact with professionals in different fields to better understand the importance of human capital.

Remember to adapt and modify these methodologies based on the needs and preferences of your students.

By incorporating a combination of interactive and experiential approaches, you can create an engaging and comprehensive learning experience for your


Class work

  1. Explain the concept of “People as Resource” and discuss why individuals are considered assets to a nation’s development.
  2. How does investment in human capital contribute to the overall development of a country? Discuss the role of education, healthcare, and skill development in harnessing the potential of the population.
  3. Discuss the challenges of unemployment and underemployment in a growing population. What are the consequences of high unemployment rates, and what measures can be taken to address this issue?

Home work

  1. Migration can have both positive and negative impacts on the source and destination regions. Explain the factors influencing migration decisions and discuss the potential contributions of migration to both regions.
  2. Highlight the role of gender and health in the development of human capital. Discuss the importance of gender equality, women’s empowerment, and good health for the progress of individuals and the nation as a whole.

These questions will encourage students to think critically about the chapter’s concepts and stimulate class discussion. Encourage students to support their answers with examples and relevant information from the chapter or additional research.

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  1. Monitor student participation during the group activities and class discussions.
  2. Evaluate the quality of the group presentations on the case studies.
  3. Assess the written reflections for understanding of the concept of “people as a resource” and the importance of investing in human capital.

Concluding the chapter (5 minutes): 

  1. Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.
  2. Ask students to reflect on the importance of investing in human capital and its long-term benefits.
  3. Assign a short written reflection on the following prompt: “Explain the significance of people as a resource and discuss one way in which you can personally invest in your own human capital.”

Learning Outcomes:

The learning outcomes of the Class IX Economics chapter “People as a Resource” may include the following:

  1. Understanding the concept of human capital:
  2. Recognizing the importance of investment in human capital:
  3. Understanding the link between education and economic development:
  4. Recognizing different types of employment:
  5. Appreciating gender and employment:

Remedial Measures:

It is crucial to provide a supportive and nurturing environment for slow learners, where they feel encouraged and motivated to learn.

Regular feedback, positive reinforcement, and a patient approach from educators are essential to their progress.

Individualized Learning Plans:

The teacher will develop individualized learning plans (ILPs) tailored to the specific needs and learning styles of each student.

These plans will identify areas of weakness and set achievable goals, along with a structured timeline for progress.

Here, the teacher will break down the content into smaller, manageable units. and

Provide additional support. such as extra practice materials or one-on-one tutoring.

slow learners can work at their own pace and build a solid foundation of knowledge.

Multisensory Teaching Techniques:

By using this method, the teacher will employ various strategies, such as visual aids, hands-on activities, interactive discussions, and group projects.

By appealing to different learning modalities, slow learners can better comprehend and retain the information being taught, improving their overall

understanding and performance.


The class IX Economics lesson plan on “People as Resource” holds significant value in fostering a comprehensive understanding of the importance of human capital. By exploring the concept of human resources, students gain insights into the skills, knowledge, and potential individuals possess, and how they contribute to economic and social development. The class IX Economics lesson plan on “People as Resource” focus on engaging activities, real-life examples, and interactive discussions to stimulate critical thinking and encourage students to recognize their own potential as valuable resources. By nurturing the talents and abilities of each student, this class IX Economics lesson plan on “People as Resource” lesson plan paves the way for a brighter future, where individuals can make meaningful contributions to their communities and society at large.

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