Layers of atmosphere (WITH NTSE QUESTIONS) is an important chapter given in the text books of class VII. It is also an important topic for all competitive exams namely NTSE, CTET, TET, PSC, UPSC etc.…d-ntse-questions/ I find this topic, Layers of atmosphere to be quite interesting. In this article I have tried to explain the topic Layers of atmosphere in simple language. I hope this post will help the students in knowing and exploring more about the different layers of atmosphere along (with NTSE questions).
Before, we read about the layers of atmosphere, let’s learn how the atmosphere on the earth came from. I am sure that this topic is not taught by many teachers in Indian schools. For any competitive examinations llike NTSE, CTET etc, if the concepts are not clear, it is difficult to qualify at the higher levels. this you be know about the formation of the different Layers of the atmosphere along with NTSE questions.
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Layers of atmosphere acts as a tea strainer
Layers of atmosphere acts like a filter.
We use a tea strainer to filter tea leaves because tea leaves are not consumed along with tea.
A strainer usually fits at the top of a cup and filters the tea.
In the same way, the layers of atmosphere also acts as a strainer to filter the sun’s rays.
It stops the harmful rays of the sun from reaching the earth by absorbing it and the filtered rays reaches the
earth’s surface.
STAGE-1 (Layers of the atmosphere)
- When the earth came out as a Ring of Fire from the Nebula, it was rotating at a very high speed. It had no atmosphere.
- At that time only two gases mainly Hydrogen and Helium existed.
- As the earth was extremely hot and not even cooled down, so it’s gravity was very low.
- Due to low gravity, it could not hold hydrogen and helium, therefore it escaped.
- The earth’s second atmosphere came from the the earth itself.
- If you rotate any thing, you will find that the heavier particles will tend to move to the center.
- Theory of La Place, also says that, during contraction and cooling period, heavier particles settled in the interior and lighter materials towards outside.
- Today also we see that, as we go inside the earth, we find that with increase in depth, the materials become heavy.
- Now, if you suppress a balloon filled with water, what will happen? The water will come out from the balloon in force.
- Exactly the same thing happened when the earth was cooling and contracting, the Magma, inside the earth started coming out in the form of volcanoes.
- But, one good thing happened along with the volcanic eruption was the gas inside the earth also started coming out.
- These gases were mainly Nitrogen, Sulpher, Argon, Water vapour and Carbon di oxide which filled the earth’s atmosphere.
- Slowly, with the cooling of the outer layer of the earth, water-vapor condensed and clouds were formed.
- Due to high temperature on the earth, evaporation increased, clouds were formed which resulted in rainfall.
- In this way it continued till many decades and water started flowing on the surface of the earth which filled the lower parts.
- Thus sea and oceans came into existence
- Much of the carbon di oxide dissolved in the water of oceans.
- But, the Oxygen was still missing from the earth’s atmosphere.
- Then, a simple form of bacteria developed in water.
- In the water, life started existing in the form of bacteria and oxygen came from the bacteria in the atmosphere.
- This bacteria could live on energy from the sun and carbon di oxide in the water, producing oxygen as a waste product.
- In this way oxygen began to build up in the atmosphere and the level of carbon di oxide started dropping down.
- A few gases got fixed in the atmosphere, which are known as permanent gases. These gases are Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Argon.
- There were some gases which keeps on changing (percentage). Today also they are known as variable gases like Carbon di oxide, water vapour and Ozone.
CONCLUSION: (Layers of the atmosphere)
Today, we have Earth’s atmosphere about which we know and read. An atmosphere containing enough oxygen for us including animals. Forests ( plants and trees) and some bacteria use carbon di oxide and give off oxygen and we human beings and animals use oxygen and give out carbon di oxide. This is how the earth got it’s atmosphere.
मेघालय : रैट होल माइनिंग (RAT HOLE MINING)
अंडमान और निकोबार द्वीप समूह
क्यों आते हैं जापान में भूकंप-ज्वालामुखी-सुनामी ?
Q.1) Which two gases were found during the initial stage in the formation of the earth’s atmosphere?
a) Argon and Helium
b) Helium and Hydrogen
c) Hydrogen and Nitrogen
d) Nitrogen and Oxygen
Q.2) Why do you think that the two initial gases escaped from the earth’s atmosphere?
i) because both the gases were very light.
ii) because the earth’s gravity was very low.
a) 1 is correct but 2 is wrong.
b) 2 is correct but 1 is wrong.
c) both 1 & 2 are correct.
d) both 1 & 2 are wrong.
Q.3) Contraction and cooling of the earth lead to _____________
a) volcanic eruption
b) heavy rainfall
c) formation of oceans
d) all of these.
Q.4) Oxygen in the atmosphere first came from___________
a. Oceans
b. Volcanic eruptions
c. Plants and trees.
d) bacteria
Q.5) Who gave the theory of Nebular Hypothesis?
a) Immanuel Kant
b) La place
c) Al Idrisi
d) Carl Ritter
Q.6) What is the study of atmosphere called? (NTSE)
a) Cartography
b) Climatology
c) Meteorology
d) Ornithology
Q.7) In the second stage of atmospheric formation when series of volcanoes erupt, which among the following gases was absent?
a) Argon
b) Methane
c) carbon di oxide
d) Oxygen
Q.8) Which among the following is not a permanent gas?
a) Ozone
b) Oxygen
c) Hydrogen
d) Nitrogen
Q.9) Which two gases make up approximately 99 % of the earth’s atmosphere? (NTSE)
a) Hydrogen and Nitrogen
b) Nitrogen and Oxygen
c) Oxygen and carbon di oxide
d) carbon di oxide and Argon
Q.10) Which is the lightest gas present in the earth’s atmosphere?
a) Helium
b) Hydrogen
c) Radon
d) Argon
Q.11) At night plants intake _______________ and release _____________? (NTSE)
a) Oxygen and Carbon di oxide.
b) Carbon di oxide and Oxygen
c) Oxygen and Oxygen
d) Carbon di oxide and Carbon di oxide.
Some concepts in Geography are clearer than others but some are more clear when explained in a different manner. believe in conceptual learning. If the concepts are clear then everything becomes crystal clear. There is no room for any doubt.
Now, after reading about the formation of the atmosphere on earth, you will read about the different layers of atmosphere in my next post.
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