Class 6 Geography Chapter1 The Earth In The Solar System Lesson Plan

Class 6 Geography Chapter 1

Written By Avinash Sharan

27th February 2023

Lesson Plan for Class 6 Geography Chapter 1 The Earth In The….

Lesson Plan for Class 6 Geography Chapter 1 is here for all my readers.

Hello everyone, are you teachers looking for a Lesson Plan on The Earth In The Solar System which is full of engaging classroom activities? Then welcome to our blog on “The Earth in the Solar System“! In this class 6 Geography chapter 1 lesson plan, we will explore the position of Earth in the Solar System, the order of the planets, and the characteristics of each planet.

Lesson Plan for Class 6 Geography Chapter 1 The Earth In The….


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to describe the position of Earth in the Solar System, identify the eight planets in the Solar System, and explain their characteristics.

General objective

To teach students about the position of Earth in the Solar System.

Specific objective

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Explain the position of Earth in the Solar System
  2. Describe the characteristics of the Solar System
  3. Identify the planets in the Solar System
  4. Explain the order of the planets in the Solar System

Teaching Materials

  • Pictures or diagrams of the Solar System
  • Mnemonic device (such as “My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas”)
  • Writing materials (pen, paper)

Teaching points


Begin the lesson by introducing the topic of the Solar System and its components. Use visual aids such as diagrams or pictures to help students understand the concept.

Characteristics of the Solar System

Explain to the students that the Solar System consists of the Sun, eight planets, dwarf planets, and other celestial bodies. Provide brief descriptions of each of these components.

Position of Earth in the Solar System

Explain to the students that Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and it is located in the inner part of the Solar System. Describe the characteristics of Earth such as its size, distance from the Sun, and its atmosphere.

Identifying the Planets

Use visual aids such as posters or diagrams to help students identify the eight planets in the Solar System. Teach them how to remember the order of the planets using a mnemonic device such as “My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas”.

Order of the Planets

Explain the order of the planets in the Solar System and the distances between them. Use visual aids such as diagrams or videos to help students understand this concept.


Summarize the lesson by reviewing the key concepts discussed and providing an opportunity for students to ask questions or clarify any confusion. Assign a homework assignment that reinforces the concepts learned in the lesson.

Overall, the goal of this lesson is to give students a basic understanding of the Solar System and the position of Earth within it. By using visual aids and clear explanations, students will have a solid foundation for further learning about astronomy and space science.

Lesson Plan for Class 6 Geography Chapter 1 The Earth In The….


Introduction (5 minutes)

Begin the lesson by showing pictures or diagrams of the Solar System and asking students if they know where Earth is located. Introduce the concept of the Solar System and its components, including the Sun, planets, and other celestial bodies.

Lecture (10 minutes)

Explain the position of Earth in the Solar System, its characteristics, and the order of the planets. Use visual aids such as diagrams or pictures to help students understand the concepts better. Teach them a mnemonic device to remember the order of the planets.

Hands-on activity (20 minutes)

Divide the class into groups and ask them to create a model of the Solar System using clay or other materials. Encourage them to include the eight planets, the Sun, and other celestial bodies in their models. This will help them understand the relative sizes and distances between the planets.

Discussion (10 minutes)

Ask the students to present their models to the class and describe the position of Earth in the Solar System. Encourage them to ask questions and clarify their doubts.

Writing activity (15 minutes)

Ask the students to write a paragraph describing the position of Earth in the Solar System and the characteristics of the other planets. This will help them reinforce their understanding of the topic and develop their writing skills.

Conclusion (5 minutes)

Wrap up the lesson by summarizing the key points and emphasizing the importance of understanding the Solar System. Encourage the students to explore the night sky and appreciate the beauty of the universe.

Teaching Methodology

The teaching methodology for the topic “The Earth in the Solar System” can be a combination of different strategies, such as:


This teaching method can be used to explain the characteristics of the Solar System, the position of Earth in it, and the order of the planets.

Visual aids

Use visual aids such as diagrams, models, or videos to help students understand the concepts better. For example, use a diagram to show the position of Earth in the Solar System or a model to show the relative sizes of the planets.


Encourage students to participate in a group discussion where they can ask questions, share their ideas, and clarify their doubts.


Teach students how to remember the order of the planets using a mnemonic device such as “My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas”.


Assign a homework assignment that reinforces the concepts learned in the lesson.

This can be a worksheet or an essay where students have to describe the position of Earth in the Solar System.

  1. Hands-on activities: Engage students in hands-on activities such as building a Solar System model using clay or constructing a poster that shows the position of Earth in the Solar System.
  2. Field trips: Organize a field trip to a planetarium or observatory to give students a chance to see the planets and stars up close.

Overall, the teaching methodology should be interactive and engaging, encouraging students to participate actively in the learning process. This will help students develop a deeper understanding of the topic and retain the information for a longer time.

Lesson Plan for Class 6 Geography Chapter 1 The Earth In The….


Here are some classroom activities for the topic “The Earth in the Solar System” that can help engage students and deepen their understanding of the subject:

Create a Solar System model

Divide the class into groups and ask them to create a model of the Solar System using clay or other materials. Encourage them to include the eight planets, the Sun, and other celestial bodies in their models. This will help them understand the relative sizes and distances between the planets.

Build a Solar System poster

Ask students to work individually or in pairs to create a poster that shows the position of Earth in the Solar System. They can include information about the other planets, the Sun, and other celestial bodies, and use visual aids such as pictures and diagrams to enhance their posters.

Planet research project

Assign each student a planet in the Solar System and ask them to research and present information about their assigned planet to the class. They can include information such as the planet’s distance from the Sun, its size, atmosphere, and any unique features.

Solar System scavenger hunt

Hide pictures of planets and other celestial bodies around the classroom, and ask students to find and identify them. You can make it more challenging by asking them to name the planets in order from the Sun.

Planetary mobile

Using colored paper or cardstock, ask students to create a mobile of the Solar System.

They can cut out and decorate the planets and attach them to a string, hanging them from a hanger or other support.

This will help them understand the order and position of the planets in the Solar System.

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Star gazing night

Organize a field trip to a park or observatory for students to observe the stars and planets in the night sky.

This will help them understand the real-world application of the concepts learned in class.

These activities will make the topic more interactive and fun and will help students develop a deeper understanding of the position of Earth in the Solar System

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Here are five possible learning outcomes for the topic “The Earth in the Solar System”:

  1. Students will be able to describe the position of Earth in the Solar System and its characteristics. They will understand that Earth is the third planet from the Sun and is located in the inner part of the Solar System.
  2. Students will be able to identify the eight planets in the Solar System and describe their characteristics, such as size, distance from the Sun, and atmosphere. They will also be able to remember the order of the planets using a mnemonic device.
  3. Students will be able to explain the concept of the Solar System and its components, such as the Sun, planets, dwarf planets, and other celestial bodies. They will understand the relative sizes and distances between these objects.
  4. Students will be able to use visual aids, such as diagrams or models, to enhance their understanding of the position of Earth in the Solar System and the order of the planets. They will be able to create their own models or posters to demonstrate their understanding.
  5. Students will be able to apply their knowledge of the Solar System in real-world situations, such as stargazing or visiting a planetarium. They will be able to identify the planets and other celestial bodies in the night sky and understand their position in the Solar System. They will also appreciate the beauty and wonder of the universe around us.

Lesson Plan for Class 6 Geography Chapter 1 The Earth In The….


In conclusion, the Earth in the Solar System is an amazing topic that fascinates everyone, from kids to adults. Our understanding of the universe around us has come a long way, and we now have a better understanding of the position of Earth in the Solar System, the order of the planets, and their characteristics.

In this blog, we have learned about the objective, specific teaching points, and classroom activities for teaching “The Earth in the Solar System.” We have also presented a sample lesson plan that includes a lecture, hands-on activity, writing exercise, and group discussion.

It is important for students to learn about the Solar System and its components because it helps them appreciate the complexity and beauty of the universe. It also helps them understand the importance of science and technology in exploring and studying the universe.

We hope this blog has inspired you to explore the night sky, learn more about the Solar System, and appreciate the wonders of the universe around us. Thank you for reading, and don’t forget to check out our other blog posts on science and education!

We hope you enjoyed this lesson on “The Earth in the Solar System”! Don’t forget to check out our other blog posts on science and education. Thank you for reading.

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  1. sunitha narayan

    It is very useful and helpful not only for students even for teachers because for emphasizing on 21st century
    thank you

    • Avinash Sharan

      Thank you Sunitha for your very encouraging and inspiring comment.


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